Thursday, March 16, 2017

What I'm Loving Now

So I recently felt rather stuck in my own body.  My whole right side had shifted and I was getting medial pain in my right knee.  I tried all the usual fixes:  ball release, foam rolling, massage, acupuncture.  It just seemed to be expanding into a greater network in my body encompassing more and more real estate.  I can laugh about that sentence now but it wasn’t funny when it was happening. Like most of you who make fitness a priority in your lives, we  feel out of control when our body is not working to the point of perfection.  Some of us are worse than others  - I put myself at the top of that list. 

After going to see a chiropractor without success (a bunch of mumbo jumbo that my IT band needed strengthening and my psoas was weak?!?!?!), I decided to make an appointment with a Rolfer.  What is  Rolfing®?  It is a kind of myofascial massage, but Rolfers prefer to call it "movement  education." Whatever you call it, Rolfing involves touching the skin, feeling around for "imbalances" in tissue texture, and separating fascial layers that adhere and muscles that have been pulled out of position by strain or injury.  It is also a kind of energy medicine.  Rolfers consider their unique contribution to be "to balance the body in gravity." Deep massage or other forms of soft tissue manipulation can't do that.  Unlike some forms of energy medicine, however, Rolfing is hands-on and no doubt that contributes to its attractiveness. It is therapeutic when you have a hands-on treatment – soothing for both the mind and the body. 

Rolfing was developed by Ida P. Rolf, a biochemist turned physical therapist. She spent a good part her career studying osteopathy, homeopathy, chiropractic, yoga, the Alexander technique and Korzybski’s work on states of consciousness. Dr. Rolf claimed she found a correlation between muscular tension and pent-up emotions.  Rolfing® is the name given to Dr. Rolf's method of massage, which transcends chiropractic in that it is based on the notion that physical and emotional health depend on parts of the body being properly "aligned." In Rolfing, unlike some forms of chiropractic, more than just the spine must be aligned. To be healthy, according to Rolfers, you must align your head, ankles, hips, thorax, pelvis, knees, shoulders, ears, etc., in just the right way or else the evils of gravity will be felt.

Well, back to me – I guess what I was feeling was the evils of gravity.  I sought help from a Rolfer in Rockville Centre that I had gone to once in the past.  Christina fit me in as soon as she could and I was ushered into her quiet and soothing sanctuary of a treatment room.  She first started off by making me walk in my underwear back and forth a few times.  She was checking my alignment and noting inconsistencies (of which I had multiple at that moment).   The treatment is similar to a massage but MUCH deeper – at times she used her elbow to get as deep as possible.  She chased the pain right out of my body – I could feel it exiting from my feet.  I guess I love her energy and we connect so well that the treatment works in an amazing way because I am open to receive (very important with these modalities).  She asked me to walk a few more times during the two hour session and each time my alignment was getting better and better.  My session was only supposed to be an hour, but Christina is such a consummate professional that she could only feel satisfied when I reached my maximum potential.  When I finally left, I felt exhausted.  I could barely drive home.  It was like a pack of wild horses had run over my body.  I dragged myself into my apartment and ran a hot Epsom Salt bath to rid my body of whatever toxins were left.  The next day I felt AMAZING and totally at peace.

If you are questioning what is happening in your body for any reason, I would highly recommend a Rolfing® treatment to help get to the bottom of what is ailing you.  Remember that taking a pill to reduce pain because you want to keep going is only a quick fix for right now.  As soon as that medication wears off, the problem will still be there.  So you want to get to the root of the problem and sometimes massage does not quite cut it.  Rolfing® will get you there.

To find one in your area go to:   

If you pull up 11570 which is Rockville Centre, you will find Christina Tufano’s contact information.   Life is a journey and you need to make it a pleasant one. Good luck on yours J


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