Have you ever stopped to wonder why your hair is a
different texture than it was when you were a child? Or perhaps why one day it
seemed like your hair was falling out by the fistful and the next overgrowing?
While many factors affect the health and texture of your hair (think humidity,
stress-levels, chemical treatments, the sun), it's your hormones that actually
have a lot to do with it. I recently had this discussion with my
hairstylist. He mentioned hormones and,
after some research, I realized that he just happens to be right.
Hormone levels can affect the quality and the quantity of
hair. The texture of hair is directly
related by hormonal issues that relate to thyroid, as well as, estrogen and
testosterone levels. This makes perfect
sense. As we age, we lose certain
hormones and that is why you will find that your hair can be brittle,
lusterless and slow growing during certain times of your life. I recently
complained that my hair texture had changed and I was finding my hair hard to
handle. My stylist’s answer was, “your
hair is all grey under this coat of hair dye, honey, that’s why!!” He certainly put me in my place LOL.
On the other hand, while your hair texture might not
change on a month-to-month basis due to hormonal fluctuations of your cycle,
there are certain life events that can cause a dramatic difference. Taking hormonal birth control, for instance,
changes some women's hair. When we take birth control pills our bodies think
that we are pregnant. We do not ovulate and the uterus lining is built up;
getting ready for a fertilized egg to implant and start growing. Usually
"the pill" makes our hair luscious, shiny and abundant. When we stop
taking it, we may see a sudden loss of hair and a slow growth, as well as, a
decrease in the quality of the hair shaft.
Menopause is the biggest single factor that changes hair
in a major way. Lack or decrease of
hormones is like a lack of fertilizer to a plant. The decreased hormonal state
will also affect the quality and the quantity of hair.
Basically, you want to strive for an environment in which
hair grows well and in good health. This
is usually one of nutritional abundance and balance, as well as, a balanced
hormonal state. A good way to increase your estrogen levels when you do hit
menopause is through a diet packed with plant sources of phytoestrogen that can
be found in nuts and seeds, and berries rich in flavonoids like raspberries,
blackberries, blueberries and pomegranates. It's also good to eat sources of
plant protein such as those in soy products like soymilk, tofu and edamame.
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