Everyone has his or her own version of fun
right? Well, turns out some self-confessed health-nuts have some pretty bizarre
routines that some in our culture might find a little bit off-center. And we’re here to talk about a few of the
weird and wacky ones circulating now………
Oil Pulling
There are people who swear by oil pulling
every morning. It’s a traditional Hindu ritual that isn’t necessarily
scientifically tested, however, it has loads of anecdotal evidence and positive
testimonials. You literally swish a tablespoon of oil in your mouth in the
morning for twenty minutes and it boasts to work as a natural cleanser with a powerful “pulling”
detox effect. There’s a whole world of bacteria and germs that can live inside
our mouths (good and bad) and this practice has been used as a cheap and
effective way to eliminate the bad guys that can cause harm. Lovers of “pulling”
have said they have whiter teeth, healthier gums, decreased allergies and
better sleep.
Best advice: Coconut oil is
the best choice for the palate. It’s a strange sensation at first but keep at
it and you’ll pull some benefits.
Our culture is completely taboo to the
thought of eating dirt. Fair enough, the thought of it doesn’t exactly getting
the digestive juices flowing. It’s long been a puzzle for western medicine and
until recently, eating clay was considered a physiological disorder called “Pica”.
But did you know all the vegetarian animals in the world eat clay? Before
civilization humans ate clay as a daily detoxification ritual too, and it still
continues today. Reading up on the fine details – clay is a really cool
substance. It even boasts to provide a negative charge, so it bonds to
positively charged toxins, and carries them out of your body. On a side note,
it’s important to know our bodies have sophisticated liver cells and kidney
power that breakdown toxic substances all on their own. But it’s asserted that
in our modern world, excessive amounts of toxic chemicals such as pesticides,
pollution and synthetic medication can disrupt this natural process. This is
where some low-tox-living lovers believe it’s a positive practice for further
detoxification. Also known as Geophagy, eating clay has been studied over the
past hundred years for its nutritional, digestive and detoxification purposes.
It was used for treatments against bacterial infections and also to supplement
diets with added minerals. Times sure were different before the morning multi
was invented. There are also some that say by removing toxins; it could also
remove metal from the body. Which is not necessarily good either. Take iron,
for example, which is essential to health. So, there could conceivably be
benefits, but there can certainly be detrimental ones to some individuals too.
Want to try it? Bentonite is the
most popular edible kind you can buy from the health food store. Dissolve one
teaspoon of clay in a glass of water and drink it down. It’s not as offensive
in taste as you may think. You can also use it as a facemask or body mud and
rub it all over your body too. Hello soft skin:)
Ah, kale. The love for this leaf really has
boomed. We could throw a rock and hit a kale devotee. But really, it isn’t
called a super food for nothing, and the words out that it’s nothing short of
medicinal. It holds a huge amount of vitamin A (beta-carotene), which by our
standards isn’t talked about enough. It’s important for growth, skin health,
the immune system and your eyes.
Best Advice: Most of us don’t
get enough greens throughout the day so drinking them really is quite a neat
idea to get your recommended daily intake. Greens are the most healing foods on
the planet and one of the most important additions you can make to your
nourishing routine.
Over the past few years, extreme
practices such as colonics are THE thing to do.
In case you have no idea what we’re talking about; a colonic is also
known as hydrotherapy where it involves a tube and water to assist clearing out
your insides (your colon to be specific). Health nuts swear by them as the
ultimate body cleanse, celebrities are boasting weight loss benefits, you’ll
notice its easily available locally to you. Many people who benefit from this
treatment have a difficult time expelling waste and its flow on effect can
cause a buildup of toxins. This is where the treatment comes in with appealing
The pros: loads of individuals say they feel
deeply cleansed and have increased energy from any dislodged waste.
The cons: there are many people that feel
uncomfortable experiencing the treatment in front of a practitioner, there can
be a feeling of discomfort in the abdomen and there’s also a risk of stripping
your gut of its beneficial bacteria. So if you’re thinking of having one, it’s
important to take a course of probiotics after your treatment.
There’s believers who are all for it,
practice it daily and believe it’s the enchanted glue that holds everything in
their life together. For others its hippie mumbo jumbo that’s way too new age.
When in fact, there’s nothing new age about it. Meditation is the art of
practicing peace and satisfaction, and people have been doing that for hundreds
of years. When you commit to be fit, it can totally strengthen that believe
muscle too.
A great number of people try meditation at
some point in their lives and a small percentage actually sticks with it. It’s interesting to know the people who
resist mediation are generally always the people who need it the most.
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