Monday, May 2, 2016

Hand and Finger Exercises for Arthritis Sufferers

Exercises for people with osteoarthritis (OA) or rheumatoid arthritis (RA)

Brushing your teeth, buttoning your shirt, opening a jar—these are routine daily activities that most people take for granted. But if you have arthritis and it affects your hands, performing these and other basic tasks can be challenging. Fortunately, "exercising" your hands can help reduce the pain, improve your range of motion and, ultimately, enable you to perform more easily the various tasks of daily living.

Do You Have Osteoarthritis or Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Arthritis of the hands manifests differently depending on what kind of arthritis you have.

Osteoarthritis  The most common cause of hand arthritis is osteoarthritis (OA).  In OA, the protective cartilage that covers the ends of your bones gradually deteriorates due to wear and tear or, in some cases, to injury. If your hand pain is caused by OA, the affected joints are painful and may swell or develop hard bony nodules.  

The joints most likely to be affected in hand OA are the joint which is at the base of the thumb; the one closest to the fingertips; and the joint located in the middle of the finger.

Rheumatoid arthritis  By contrast, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an immune system disorder that damages the cells in the tissue that lines and lubricates the joints (synovial membrane). 

If RA is the cause of your hand pain, the joints most likely to be affected are the wrist joints and the knuckles at the base of your fist. In addition, because RA is a systemic condition, it typically affects joints on both sides of the body.

The distinction between OA­ and RA-­induced hand pain is important for several reasons. First, if your pain is caused by RA, don’t attempt to alleviate it with exercise alone. Prompt aggressive treatment with disease-­modifying anti-rheumatic drugs has been shown to slow disease progression and limit joint damage, reducing the likelihood that your hand will become permanently disfigured.

Second, strengthening exercises can be harmful if performed aggressively and should be done in moderation by people with RA. Third, you should perform any type of exercise with caution while you’re having a flare. The main message for people with RA or OA is to respect the pain and whenever you perform the exercises, do them gently to avoid further harm to your joints.

Hand Exercises: How to's
Ask your doctor if it's safe for you to try the exercises below. Or consider asking for a referral to a physical therapist or occupational therapist who can design a program specifically for you.

A PT or OT who is also a certified hand therapist (CHT) has extensive training and experience in hand therapy. A CHT can also advise you on other exercises and create a program for you.  Most of the exercises here help improve range of motion but two are also muscle­-strengthening exercises. Try doing a few slow repetitions once a day as pain permits and gradually increasing to 10 slow repetitions. If both hands are affected, repeat the exercise on both your right and left hand.

To reduce pain before you perform the exercises, try soaking your hands in warm water. You may even want to try performing some of the exercises with your hands submerged in warm water or while you’re in a heated pool. This is a gentle way to exercise joints and muscles. The buoyancy of the water sup­ports and lessens stress on the joints, enabling you to move your hands more easily. Water may also act as resistance to help build muscle strength.

Wrist Bend
With your arm outstretched bend your wrist backward, then forward.

Finger Touch
Starting with an open hand, touch your thumb to the pad just below your pinky finger. Release and then touch your thumb to the tip of your pointer finger, ring finger, index finger, and pinky finger, in sequence.

Thumb Stretch
Start with your hand outstretched. Bend your thumb toward the base of your pinky finger. Return to original position.

Wrist Turn
With your arm outstretched, turn your palm toward the ceiling, then turn it down to face the floor.

Muscle Strengthener 1
Hold a piece of paper or a newspaper by the corner, and using only one hand, crumble it into a ball as fast as you can.

Muscle Strengthener 2
Place your hand palm­-down on a table. Place your other hand on top of that hand, and lift up with the fingers of the hand on the bottom. You can lift the fingers all at once or one at a time.

Finger Curls
Keeping your wrist straight, extend and spread your fingers. Then make a loose fist, keeping your thumb on the outside of your fingers.

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