Monday, September 23, 2013

Desk Pilates

In honor of back-to-school season, we’re penciling in some moves for you to do at your desk.  When sitting, remember that body awareness is key for your own comfort, postural alignment and well-being.  Breathe deeply and more often at your desk to keep stress under control. Perform the following moves throughout your day to help counteract the damaging health problems associated with sitting for too long. 

Sternum Lift
Purpose:  to enhance spinal flexibility, release muscle tension and move in the opposite direction of routine, desk activities.
Sit tall with a neutral pelvis and spine.  Place your fingertips behind your head  (not your neck) to support the weight of your head and reach your elbows wide to your sides.  Inhale, breathing into the side and back ribs, slowly extending your neck and mid-back, reaching your sternum toward the ceiling.  Exhale, activating your core, as you slowly return your spine to vertical. Do 5 – 8 reps.

Open Elbows
Purpose:  to mobilize the shoulder blades, open the front of the chest and release muscle tension.  Sit tall with a neutral pelvis and spine.  Ben your elbows to 90 degrees in front of your shoulders (or slightly below shoulder height) palms facing inward.  Inhale, breathing into the side and back ribs, as you lengthen through your spine.  Exhale, activating your core, as you slowly open your elbows out to your sides, shoulder blades gliding around your rib cage toward your spine and collarbones reaching wide.  Inhale as you return your arms to the starting position.  Do 5 – 8 reps. 

Purpose:  to enhance spinal alignment, challenge dynamic core stability and strengthen the hip extensors. 
Stand with your feet parallel and hip-width apart, pelvis and spine in neutral.  If needed for balance, place your fingertips on a firm surface, relaxing your shoulders.  Inhale, breathing into the side and back ribs, as you lengthen through your spine.   Exhale, activating your core, as you slowly lift your right arm overhead and simultaneously extend your left leg backward.  Inhale, slowly returning to the starting position.  Repeat on your other side.  Do 5 – 8 reps, alternating sides. 

All of these exercises really help you stretch and lengthen the body and the deep breathing will help rejuvenate your mind and recharge your spirit.  They are excerpts from the book, “Desk Pilates:  Living Pilates Every Day” by Angela Kneale.

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